Tech Insights

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Productivity and Morale Job Layoffs

How to Boost Staff Morale and Productivity After Layoffs

By Philipp Baumann

Boosting staff morale following a layoff can be a daunting task for company executives, including chief information officers (CIOs). Corporate restructuring and layoffs are inevitable for many companies regardless of industry. Once the exercise is complete, the remaining staff need to stay engaged and productive.

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Cloud Computing In South Florida

How Cloud Computing Can Save Businesses Money

By Philipp Baumann

BoomTech provides organizations throughout South Florida with cloud computing solutions and services. Call in the cloud experts.

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IT Services For CPAs and Accountants in Coral Springs Florida

Superior IT Services For CPAs and Accountants in Coral Springs

By Philipp Baumann

BoomTech offers a full complement of IT services for CPAs and Accountants in Coral Springs. Connect with us today to learn more.

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Cloud Services In South Florida

The Importance of Cloud Services in South Florida

By Philipp Baumann

BoomTech provides cloud services and cloud technologies for organizations across South Florida. Call in the cloud specialists.

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How do you switch IT companies?

By Philipp Baumann

Switching IT companies can seem like a daunting task. Find out how to make the transition from one IT company to the next as painless as possible.

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Structured Cabling Low Voltage Cabling Hollywood Florida

Structured Cabling Services in Hollywood FL

By Philipp Baumann

BoomTech provides structured cabling and low voltage cabling services for large and small organizations in Hollywood, FL

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Technology Cost cutting

Technology Helps Businesses Double-Dip On Cost-Cutting & Efficiency

By Philipp Baumann

Dialogues between technology experts and leaders in other industries sometimes trail off into unfamiliar IT jargon. Business professionals tend to look at technology as a tool meant to improve profitability.

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IT Infrastructure Pandemic South Florida

How Can IT Infrastructure Help Your Business Prepare for Next Pandemic?  

By Philipp Baumann

Before the pandemic forced government leaders to shut down entire industries and implement stay at home mandates, conventional disruption wisdom centered on disaster recovery. Few recognized the almost unprecedented impact a global pandemic could have on essential business functions and employee productivity.

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Hear from Philipp Baumann, owner and founder of BoomTech:

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