Co-Managed IT Updated version


Co-managed IT services combine external expertise with your internal IT team, enhancing efficiency and resource management for businesses.

Expedite Growth, Enhance Security, and Boost Performance with BoomTech as your Co-Managed MSP

How Co-Managed IT Services Work

  1. Assessment: We start by analyzing your existing IT department’s needs, skills, resources, tools, and abilities.
  2. Supplementation: Based on identified gaps, we partner with you to supplement specific areas. You retain control over in-house services while outsourcing others.
  3. Adaptability: As your needs evolve, so does your co-managed strategy.

The Benefits:

  1. Co-Managed IT allows you to fill the GAP in your current IT department
  2. Best of Both Worlds: You retain control over your in-house IT operations while accessing the vast resources and up-to-date knowledge of an external managed IT service provider.
  3. With Co-Managed IT, you tap into a proven process that ensures you achieve the best possible cybersecurity posture.

Who can Benefit?

Co-managed IT services are ideal for businesses facing various scenarios:

  1. Overworked IT Staff: If your internal team is stretched thin, co-managed services can provide relief without committing to full-time hires.
  2. New Projects: Launching a project? Co-managed services ensure smooth transitions and maintain operations.
  3. Knowledge Gaps: Even experienced IT departments encounter tasks beyond their skill set.

Explore the possibilities of co-managed IT services and unlock the potential for seamless IT management!

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    Are Co-Managed IT Services the Right Fit for Your Business?

The co-managed IT framework - while an excellent remedy for an overwhelmed IT team - is the right fit for your business if you’re experiencing any of the following signs:

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    An overtaxed IT team struggling to meet internal demands whilst solving burdensome IT challenges.

    When an upcoming project deadline or the unforeseen stretches your internal team far too thin, a co-managed team will step in to fill the void.

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    You’re cost-conscious and are trying to avoid unnecessary spending on IT.

    Often, the cost of hiring an internal team and maintaining them on a payroll for infrequent tasks can be carved out with a temporary co-managed IT team.

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    A rising churn rate costs your company its best IT staff and months or years of training.

    An overworked IT department is prone to a higher churn rate due to stress. Taking some burden off their shoulders can help relieve the pressure and help them focus on results.

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    You’re facing a skills gap.

    No matter how incredible your internal IT team is, there are certain areas in which they may not have solid expertise. Server virtualization, cloud security, and network maintenance are some of the areas that could benefit vastly from specialty experience with a co-managed IT provider.

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    You’re facing ceaseless cyberattacks beyond your team’s grasp.

    Cybersecurity is essential to the smooth operation of your business. Invoking relevant expertise in antimalware, proactive monitoring and advanced protection safeguards your assets long term.

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    BoomTech’s Co-Managed IT Services for Businesses

Ready to expand your in-house IT team’s prowess to the next level? You can trust BoomTech to deliver the essential skills and expertise required for laying the foundation for your long-term success.

Have Questions About Our Co-Managed IT Solutions?

Hear from Philipp Baumann, owner and founder of BoomTech:

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Services We Provide In South Florida

Managed Service

Add strategic value, experience peace of mind, and have your IT strategically help grow your business - all for a monthly flat-rate fee.

Co-Managed Service

Access to specialized expertise with a robust Cybersecurity framework at a cost-effective rate.

Cloud Strategy

We help you evaluate if the Cloud is right for your business and implement the best Cloud strategy for your company.

Business Phone & Communication Solutions

Enjoy the mobility, cost savings, and flexibility of using VoIP.

Cybersecurity Solutions

We all know security threats and breaches are real. Let BoomTech protect your company, detect security problems, and respond with action.

Disaster Recovery

Don’t worry about being unprepared. We safeguard and defend your business and plan for unexpected issues.

Industries We Specialize In

Law Firms

Take full advantage of technology to stay competitive at your firm with increased billing productivity, automation, security, full support, and cost savings.

Wholesale Distribution

Our technology audit and 24/7 remote monitoring ensure that your shipping line, ERP solution, and inventory management systems are running properly.

CPA Firms

Focus on your core business of serving your customers while knowing their data is secure and your downtime risk is minimized.

Financial Firms

We make sure your technology is always using the best practices in security and compliance to protect your business and clients.