How Cyber Criminals Use AI to Power Their Attacks

How Cyber Criminals Use AI to Power Their Attacks

Cybercrime has been on a steady growth trajectory at least since the beginning of the decade. The past few years have been particularly rough on small businesses that have had their data ransomed, stolen, or sold on the dark web. Large organizations aren’t off the hook either when it comes to cyber crime. Take the…

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Tackling the Hidden Challenges of Network Monitoring

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CIOs navigate through a complex labyrinth of new technology and challenges invoked by a surge in diversified business IT demands. Today, the habitual adherence to an outdated culture of adopting the latest tech sums up the average business’s IT playbook. But when it comes to network monitoring, many IT experts would agree that this primeval…

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Key Considerations When Selecting the Right Cyber Insurance Coverage

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In less than a decade cyber liability insurance quickly jumped from “nice to have” to “need to have”  – and for good reason. Businesses are eternally exposed to cyber risks, in this case, ransomware, downtime, virus attacks, to more sophisticated AI-backed attacks. Cyber liability insurance protects against the risks brought forth by such threats. But…

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Gaining Positive Returns on Your Cyber Insurance Investment

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Cyber liability insurance – or cyber insurance – is a relatively new type of insurance policy that gained traction in the 90s, when cyber issues grew rampant at an exponential rate. Still, only 40% of SMEs have standalone cyber insurance coverage despite its many benefits. As expected, cyber insurance policies have come a long way,…

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Breaking Down the Inner Workings of Phishing Scams

Breaking Down the Inner Workings of Phishing Scams

Phishing scams remain the most prevalent cyberattacks for one reason; they’re successful in soliciting sensitive information from unsuspecting employees at all levels of the company. 90% of the time, cyber attacks start out as phishing, where shady actors dish out targeted and untargeted emails seemingly from legitimate companies while in fact, they’re not. In this…

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Steer Clear of These 3 AI Cyber Risks

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The artificial intelligence revolution has only begun; and so far, its applications in cybersecurity remain the second largest use as over half (51%) of companies leverage the technology in shielding their operations from attacks. However, despite its promising merits, AI poses a real threat to both small and large companies when coupled with malicious intentions.…

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Aligning Cybersecurity with Compliance for the Best Outcomes

5 Ways to Combine Compliance & Cybersecurity Best Practices to Improve Outcomes

On the surface, compliance and cybersecurity share identical objectives in safeguarding businesses from disastrous breaches. Both terms are often mistaken to bear the same meaning, while in reality, they mean different things. Compliance refers to an organization’s readiness to adhere to government laws and industry standards with regard to information security and data privacy. Security…

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