Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

Business Continuity Solutions

Business continuity planning is necessary to make sure your company can keep going despite a disaster. Let us help your South Florida business plan ahead.

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery To Protect Your South Florida Business

Business continuity planning is necessary to make sure your company can keep going despite a disaster. Let us help your South Florida business plan ahead.  


Hurricanes. Fires. Floods. Burglaries. Health Emergencies. There are so many ways that your business can be halted in its tracks. And most of the time, you won’t see the disaster coming.


That is why it is so important to have a business continuity plan. With the right strategy and preparation, you can protect your data – like tax records, client information, financial records – and quickly access it when you need to get back up and running. If you don’t have a continuity plan, now is the time to make one. BoomTech's IT team can help.

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    Help Protect Your Business with Disaster Recovery

Your business needs a plan for how you will continue to operate if something significant goes wrong, such as a significant natural disaster, pandemic or another unexpected event.


Some of the elements to consider in business continuity planning include:

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    Remote access solutions

    Keeping your business running may mean working away from the office. You need ways to access your technology and data remotely so you can your employees can continue to do your jobs despite severe interruptions to your business.

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    People planning

    What are the roles that need to be filled in the event of a significant disruption? Who is going to fill them? Although you will hopefully be able to rely on most people to do their current jobs, some may not be able to – which means you need choices for necessary roles.

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    Keeping up with clients

    If things go haywire, you want to be able to get in touch with your clients. How are you going to do that? You should have a plan on how to contact clients and have an easy way to determine which are the most important to keep in touch with following a disaster.

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    What Is Disaster Recovery Planning?

Disaster recovery planning looks more directly at how your IT infrastructure will be maintained and/or recovered following a disaster.


It gets down to the nuts and bolts of what tech and data you have, what you need to protect and how you are going to recover immediately following a disaster. Some key things to consider in disaster recovery planning include:

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    Cloud services

    With the right cloud solutions, you should be able to immediately access your essential data from the cloud following a disaster. You should also be able to download everything you need to new devices as needed.

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    Regular backups

    Disasters tend to surprise you so that you won’t have time to backup your data at the last minute. You need to have a proper backup schedule so that your data is already stored safely when and if disaster hits.

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    IT consulting

    Even if you run your own IT, you could still benefit from talking with a consultant about how to create a disaster recovery plan. A pro will be able to identify weak points in your current system and help you fix them before something goes wrong.

Our team can help you plan for the unexpected. We are ready to consult with you on what your business needs now and in the event of a disaster. Please contact us today to discuss your business continuity and disaster recovery planning needs in South Florida.


Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery 1I Sleep Easier At Night Now…
Thanks to BoomTech, Inc. and the BDR they provide, I never have to worry about my data being backed up and stored in a secure environment. I can’t tell you how thankful I am to have a backup and disaster recovery plan in place now; I never hope I have to use it, but it gives me great peace of mind knowing that if I do, I won’t be unpleasantly surprised.


Alan Weisberg
Attorney Partner
Christopher & Weisberg, P.A.

Hear from Philipp Baumann, owner and founder of BoomTech:

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Services We Provide In South Florida

Managed Service

Add strategic value, experience peace of mind, and have your IT strategically help grow your business - all for a monthly flat-rate fee.

Co-Managed Service

Access to specialized expertise with a robust Cybersecurity framework at a cost-effective rate.

Cloud Strategy

We help you evaluate if the Cloud is right for your business and implement the best Cloud strategy for your company.

Business Phone & Communication Solutions

Enjoy the mobility, cost savings, and flexibility of using VoIP.

Cybersecurity Solutions

We all know security threats and breaches are real. Let BoomTech protect your company, detect security problems, and respond with action.

Disaster Recovery

Don’t worry about being unprepared. We safeguard and defend your business and plan for unexpected issues.

Industries We Speclialize In

Law Firms

Take full advantage of technology to stay competitive at your firm with increased billing productivity, automation, security, full support, and cost savings.

Wholesale Distribution

Our technology audit and 24/7 remote monitoring ensure that your shipping line, ERP solution, and inventory management systems are running properly.

CPA Firms

Focus on your core business of serving your customers while knowing their data is secure and your downtime risk is minimized.

Financial Firms

We make sure your technology is always using the best practices in security and compliance to protect your business and clients.

Locations We Serve in South Florida: