IT Services for CPA Firms


We are skilled in providing IT services for CPA firms in Boca Raton and South Florida. Please contact us to learn more about our IT solutions for your firm.

IT Support for your CPA or Accounting Firm in South Florida

We are skilled in providing IT services for CPA firms in Boca Raton and South Florida. Please contact us to learn more about our IT solutions for your firm.  


As a CPA firm, your business revolves around record-keeping and data. You have to maintain numerous client records and keep mountains of personal and financial information at hand. And when tax season rolls around, everything ramps up to a fever pitch. Your business requires a robust IT system to support your work and increase your productivity.


At BoomTech, we have served numerous CPA firms – so we understand what your industry requires from an IT team. Our IT services for CPA firms are second to none and we are ready to show you why.


Wondering how we've helped other firms? Read a case study of how we helped a local South Florida accounting firm cut their annual downtime from 2 weeks to just 2 days!

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    Supporting CPAs in Boca Raton and South Florida

QuickBooks. Microsoft Dynamics. Drake. CFS. CCH ProFX. Lacerte. CPA firms utilize a range of software solutions to serve their clients and your firm is probably no exception. You need these applications to function as intended so you can get the job done and you don’t have time for things to malfunction.


Our IT team appreciates the urgency of your work and the necessity for reliability. We offer the kind of IT support that can keep your systems and applications running smoothly and consistently. And if things do go wrong – which can happen – we are ready to address the problem within an hour.


Some of the ways we help CPA firms to excel include:

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    Freeing you to focus on your core business

    You’re a CPA, not an IT expert. Our services allow you to focus on doing what you do best while we focus on your IT needs. We know our business just like you know yours, so you can depend on us to do things right from start to finish.

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    Keeping costs down

    Broken or malfunctioning tech leads to downtime and downtime is expensive. Our services ensure that your downtime is as limited as possible so you can keep making money. And we provide all of our services for one flat fee so there are no surprises when you get the bill.

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    Assisting with compliance

    Gramm-Leach-Blily and other financial regulations need to be fully adhered to so that your firm doesn’t run into trouble. We appreciate the need for compliance and consider it in all of our technology solutions.

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    24/7 monitoring

    Someone is monitoring your network 24/7 to make sure nothing goes wrong. If something unexpected happens, we will address the issue promptly day or night.

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    All the technology you use carries inherent security vulnerabilities. Our cybersecurity experts know how to protect your data and your clients’ data so that you don’t wind up the victim of cyberattacks.

In case we haven’t already convinced you of the benefits of our services, consider what one of our clients has to say about us:


IT Services for CPA Firms 1Price Is A Function Of Quality…

When it comes to finding a quality IT service the potential client should “do their homework”. When it comes to BoomTech they will find that price is a function of quality. When you are having a “heart attack” and they roll you into the operating room, as the patient do you look up at the three surgeons posturing to perform the surgery and request the surgeon that works the cheapest? “Hell no”, the only thing on your mind is the best most highly skilled surgeon. What dollar value can a client put on losing all their data? BoomTech is worth every penny!


Dan Grossman
D & S Management SVC

Hear from Philipp Baumann, owner and founder of BoomTech:

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Services We Provide In South Florida

Managed Service

Add strategic value, experience peace of mind, and have your IT strategically help grow your business - all for a monthly flat-rate fee.

Co-Managed Service

Access to specialized expertise with a robust Cybersecurity framework at a cost-effective rate.

Cloud Strategy

We help you evaluate if the Cloud is right for your business and implement the best Cloud strategy for your company.

Business Phone & Communication Solutions

Enjoy the mobility, cost savings, and flexibility of using VoIP.

Cybersecurity Solutions

We all know security threats and breaches are real. Let BoomTech protect your company, detect security problems, and respond with action.

Disaster Recovery

Don’t worry about being unprepared. We safeguard and defend your business and plan for unexpected issues.

Industries We Specialize In

Law Firms

Take full advantage of technology to stay competitive at your firm with increased billing productivity, automation, security, full support, and cost savings.

Wholesale Distribution

Our technology audit and 24/7 remote monitoring ensure that your shipping line, ERP solution, and inventory management systems are running properly.

CPA Firms

Focus on your core business of serving your customers while knowing their data is secure and your downtime risk is minimized.

Financial Firms

We make sure your technology is always using the best practices in security and compliance to protect your business and clients.

Locations We Serve in South Florida: