What Is The Modern Workplace?

Modern Workplace

3 Things Organizations Need To Have A True Modern Workplace

Organizations that want to stay on the cutting edge of their industries recognize that creating and maintaining a modern workplace can be critical to success.

It’s not uncommon for outfits to enjoy the ambiance typically associated with such spaces. Many offices showcase exposed brick, open floor plans, expansive windows, and glass walls and doors. While the trappings of a modern workplace may make the space appear cool and trendy, they do little to deliver the seamless productivity necessary to compete. That’s why forward-thinking industry leaders couple their interior designs with the latest technologies. It’s one thing to put on modern workplace airs, but it’s another entirely to have the IT infrastructure to back it up. As a leading managed IT firm that transforms organizations in Boca Raton, Broward County, and all of South Florida, BoomTech puts stock in these strategies.



Modern Workplace Calls For Next-Gen Communication

Industry leaders sometimes view not having key staff members in the building as a communication challenge. The idea that members of the leadership team cannot knock on a colleague’s office door to brainstorm or review necessary next steps can feel like your communication process has been hamstrung. In many ways, that notion has become as outdated as the Fax machine.

A recent Gartner survey revealed that upwards of 82 percent of business leaders in the HR, legal, compliance, finance, and real estate sectors are committed to remote workforces going forward. Nearly half of decision-makers anticipate full-time remote positions. In terms of flexible workplaces, 43 percent see flex days as a viable option, and 42 percent believe in flexible hours. Gartner’s Elisabeth Joyce says, “The question now facing many organizations is not how to manage a remote workforce, but how to manage a more complex, hybrid workforce.”

The answer to that question and transitioning to a truly modern workplace requires comprehensive communication technology, such as the following.

  • Zoom
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Slack
  • Cisco WebEx
  • Google Meets

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telecom Systems

A genuinely modern workplace enjoys open communication with team members from anywhere in real-time. Integrating next-gen communication platforms allows organizations to include key stakeholders without commuting to a conference room.

Modern Workplace Is Smarter With Data

Data management remains a cornerstone of any modern workplace or organization. Companies are fast-acquiring an increased number of digital files and are tasked with efficient storage, access, and security. Poorly managed and stored digital assets can cause frustration, impede task completion, and reduce potential profits. A recent Forbes article, called Managing Data Is As Critical As Having Data: Focus On Data Governance And Data Quality, highlights these key benefits of effective management.

  • Increase An Organization’s Revenue Streams
  • Improve Cost Efficiencies
  • Reduce Risk of Data Breach
  • Ensure Regulatory Compliance

According to Forbes, “high-quality data governance can identify excessive or duplicate expenditures, help maintain corporate reputations by optimizing compliance practices, and even reveal where to build new products or services.”

Industry leaders continue to adopt the philosophy that critical data management goes hand in glove with managed IT expertise. That’s why decision-makers typically outsource a portion or all of their managed IT needs to third party experts. The move has proven to be cost-effective and minimizes the need to hire on-site technicians.

The Modern Workplace Enterprise-Level Cybersecurity

As the modern workplace purges itself of cumbersome in-house networks in favor of Cloud-based systems, advanced cybersecurity measures must be implemented. It’s a known fact that hackers target unsuspecting off-site employees as a pathway to business systems. When a remote worker’s device or login profile is compromised, a company’s valuable and sensitive digital assets are up for grabs. These are common ways remote workers get hacked.

  • Email Phishing: Bulk and targeted emails are sent out to employees. When an employee makes the fatal misstep of downloading a tainted file, clicking on a malicious link, or inadvertently providing username and password information, the business system can fall.
  • Malicious Websites: Fake websites typically offer seemingly valuable information or a promise of essential goods. Employees who leverage the same device for work and personal online use could compromise it with malware that opens the door to the organization’s network.
  • Zero-Day-Attacks: When software, routers, and platforms suffer vulnerabilities, hackers typically exploit them to penetrate a companies defenses and pilfer off digital assets.

It’s essential to note that having a virtual modern workplace does not necessarily increase the risk of a breach. Hackers can deploy these same tactics against companies that have entirely in-house staff. The determining factor of whether your outfit suffers vulnerability gaps comes down to having determined cybersecurity defenses. This generally requires adopting the following security measures, among others.

  • Enterprise-Level Antivirus Software & Firewalls
  • Virtual Private Networks
  • Multi-Cloud Data Storage
  • Multi-Factor Password Authentication
  • Endpoint Security
  • Zero-Trust Login Profiles
  • Dark Web Keyword Monitoring
  • Cybersecurity & Awareness Training

By enlisting the help of a cybersecurity expert, modern industry leaders can have a full review of their defenses conducted, a strengths and weaknesses report issued, and craft a determined strategy that hardens your defenses.

Get A Modern Workplace IT Consultation in South Florida

The modern workplace is far more than a physical space. It’s an idea that delivers communication, productivity, and goal achievement without boundaries. If you are an industry thought leader who wants to take the modern workplace idea and make it a reality, BoomTech has the experience and expertise to bring you into the future. Contact one of our team members and schedule a modern workforce consultation today.

Philipp founded BoomTech after moving to the United States from Switzerland at the age of 24. His clients say he operates his business like a “Swiss Clock!” because he has a very detail-oriented process that allows him to come up with a technology solution to his client’s problems no matter what it takes.

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Hear from Philipp Baumann, owner and founder of BoomTech:

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