Tech Insights

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FBI Sheds New Light On Ransomware Tactics

By Philipp Baumann

According to a recent FBI alert marked “TLP: AMBER,” businesses should be on high alert…

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Data Breaches Continue With Three New High Profile Cases

By Philipp Baumann

As 2019 draws to a close, we can say definitively that the year has been…

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Cashless Shopping Could Get Easier In the Future

By Philipp Baumann

For decades, futurists have been promising a cashless society and all the convenience that comes…

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Apply Security Update To Protect Against Nvidia Vulnerability

By Philipp Baumann

Have you downloaded the NVIDIA GeForce Experience (GFE) app? It’s a helper app designed to…

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The End Of Windows 7 Support Is Almost Here

By Philipp Baumann

Do you still have a few machines in your company that are running Windows 7?…

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New Orleans Shuts Down After Ransomware Attack 1

New Orleans Shuts Down After Ransomware Attack

By Philipp Baumann

Things aren’t so easy in the Big Easy right now. The city of New Orleans…

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April 2016 Newsletter

April 2016

By Philipp Baumann
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MARCH 2016 Newsletter

March 2016

By Philipp Baumann
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Hear from Philipp Baumann, owner and founder of BoomTech:

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