FAQ Page

Questions about it?

Browse our video FAQs below to learn more on how to keep your
business, employees, and client data safer!

IT Services FAQ Categories

  • General IT Questions

  • IT Strategy Questions

  • Security Questions

  • Software Questions

  • Cloud Services Questions

  • boomtech-ico

    General IT Service Questions

Is it safe to use a cheap IT support company?

FAQ Page 1

What is a VCIO? Does my business need one?

FAQ Page 2
  • boomtech-ico

    IT Strategy Questions

I have trouble accessing business resources at home. How do I solve this problem?

  • boomtech-ico

    Security Questions

How can I make Work From Home secure?

FAQ Page 3
  • boomtech-ico

    Software Questions

What is the difference between MS Teams and Zoom?

FAQ Page 4
  • boomtech-ico

    Cloud Services Questions

Are Cloud services
backed up?

FAQ Page 5

What are the top 3 benefits of cloud services?


What kinds of Cloud services are available to my business?


Hear from Philipp Baumann, owner and founder of BoomTech:

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