How to Choose the Right SaaS Backup Solution for Your Business

SaaS backup

SaaS solutions are central to many organization’s business operations. Data produced and stored by cloud-hosted applications is of immense value. Yet for some reason, many organizations are still leaving the backup element to their SaaS vendors, which could lead to disaster for one simple reason. SaaS application, infrastructure, and platform providers do NOT owe it…

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Debunking the Most Dangerous Myths About Cloud Data Backup

Myths About Cloud Data Backup image

Growing data volumes are driving an exponential demand for backup facilities that can meet both the storage and security needs of corporate applications. Modern-day cloud backup solutions offer advanced capabilities, increased agility, flexibility, and scalability beyond what’s possible with legacy storage. Still, several corporate managers are holding back on deployment and the reasons range from…

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The Hidden Costs of Ineffective Data Management

Data management dashboard

Data drives informed business decisions. And informed business decisions drive the company closer and closer to its strategic goals. At least that is the theory, but in practice, data management has several moving parts – including collecting, organizing, storing, and analyzing vast information from diverse sources. Unsurprisingly, channeling large amounts of data through your company’s…

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4 Grand Benefits of Implementing Goal-Driven IT Standards and Best Practices for Your Business

4 Grand Benefits of Implementing Goal-Driven IT Standards and Best Practices for Your Business featured image

Time has demonstrated repeatedly that how businesses align their IT portfolio with their objectives ultimately impacts their growth and success. While it’s true that aligning an organization’s IT ecosystem with its goals and objectives is paramount to its success, such alignment starts with implementing goal-driven IT standards and best practices. IT standards are the guidelines…

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